Welcome to the Jstar portfolio. Here you will be able to view past projects
completed by the Jstar team to get a feel for what we do, and how we go about it.
Examples of our work in both digital and print mediums are available, as well as
some detailed case studies which demonstrate how Jstar can tailor its services
to suit yourself or your business.
Browse by Name
View past projects in alphabetical order, by category, with summaries, sample screens, and detailed
analyses of the project brief, design process, and outcome.
Client List
Displays a list of Jstar's past clients (with their permission). Similar to the browse by name section,
only this displays in reverse-chronological order.
Case Studies
A selection of case studies in different areas that encapsulate the broad range of our services.
Each study imparts a sense of the consultancy process, from the concept to the end product, and
is an excellent source of ideas for any business wanting a website, or looking into advertising or
other forms of promotion.